Auto Loans

Auto Loan Options to Fit Member Needs

Discover lower interest rates for new and used car loans with MY CREDIT UNION’s full suite of financing options, even for those experiencing credit challenges. loan-1

New and Used Automobile Loans

If you're looking for low interest rates on car loans (for new or used cars), you've come to the right place. MY CREDIT UNION’s auto loan rates offer competitive interest rates from an experienced loan department that tailors loans to meet the needs of our members.

Whether you want to refinance a current car loan or get pre-approved online before visiting a dealership, MY CREDIT UNION is your perfect auto financing partner. Not sure of what will fit into your monthly budget? Use our Loan Payment Calculator or contact us today so we can help make financing your dream vehicle a reality!

Even if you have a history of bad credit, our staff stand ready to work with you to determine your auto loan financing options.


MVP Loans (MY Vehicle Purchase)

MY CREDIT UNION would like to introduce you to a new way to get the vehicle you want with a lower monthly payment. Our MVP Loan program makes an expensive vehicle purchase far more affordable than it may initially appear.

If you're considering a lease, or want to find out how much you can afford on your budget, then our new MVP Loan program may be right for you. Our MVP Loan program offers lease-like low payments and all the benefits of vehicle ownership.

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Automatic Payment Discount for Loans

Remember: Choosing to pay MY CREDIT UNION loans through our automatic payment system may lower your rate!

All rates are subject to change at any time and reflect a .50% discount for automatic payment. Your APR may vary based upon your credit worthiness and collateral. Membership required.

APR = Annual Percentage Rate.