LSS Financial

Gain Control Over Your Finances

Access up to 6 free annual sessions with LSS certified credit counselors. Get confidential help with budgeting, debt, and more.

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Manage Your Debt

Have you ever said to yourself, "If only I made a little more?" Does managing all your debts make you feel like you're navigating a maze and getting nowhere fast?

Thanks to a special partnership, MY CREDIT UNION members have access to up to six (6) FREE, confidential sessions annually with a certified consumer credit counselor at LSS Financial Counseling Services. Most sessions take place in-person, with the remainder done over the phone or via the internet. The details of these sessions are confidential and are not shared with anyone at MY CREDIT UNION.

Call LSS Financial Counseling at the dedicated MY CREDIT UNION number of 800.528.2926 to set up an appointment. Or, visit the LSS website to take advantage of their online counseling services today. You've got everything to gain.

analyzing finances on a tablet

Budget Counseling

Living paycheck to paycheck? Ever wonder where all your money goes? Budget counseling is available to anyone concerned about their financial situation or having difficulty with debt. Financial counselors can help reduce money worries by helping you create a workable monthly budget and an action plan. LSS can also help you understand what's in your credit report with their Credit Report Review service.

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Debt Management Plan

Worried about your credit card debt? Creditors demanding more than you can pay each month? A Debt Management Plan (DMP) may be the answer if your income allows you to meet your day-to-day living expenses, and leaves enough for reasonable payments to creditors. Many creditors will reduce interest rates and stop late fees on a DMP. Fees apply to this service, call for more information.

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Financial Wellness

Interested in preventing financial problems? Want to know the keys to building good credit? Whether you are looking to save more for retirement, want to establish financial goals, or would like recommendations on how to plan for life events which can impact your financial situation, LSS financial counselors can help you create an individualized plan to turn your financial dreams into reality.

reading financial information

Improve Your Credit Score

LSS will help you read and understand your credit reports and make an individualized action plan to improve your credit score. Learn how to correct any errors and to prevent identity theft of your credit information.

a form with student loan information

Master Your Student Loans

Learn all of your options, so student loan repayment can be a realistic plan, not a worry.

a house key

Housing Counseling

Looking into home ownership? Having trouble maintaining housing expenses? Combining housing education with budget counseling, LSS counselors can assist families with housing issues, including pre-purchase, delinquency or foreclosure prevention.

Some of the specific financial problems that might be explored during the above sessions include: 

  • Personal and family money management and budgeting
  • Understanding credit reports and improving credit scores
  • Debt repayment options including debt management plans (DMP)
  • Consumer protection and preventing and resolving identity theft
  • Mortgage default, foreclosure prevention, and predatory lending
  • Home buying readiness, mortgage financing, and reverse mortgages
  • Bankruptcy consequences and alternatives
  • Student loan issues including borrowing, repayment, default, and repossession
  • Vehicle loans including borrowing, repayment, default, and repossession
  • Gambling, alcohol, and drug abuse addictive behaviors as related to financial problems
  • Mental health, disability, family and marital stresses as related to financial problems